The School Day

School Hours:
9am – 10.30am
10.45am- 12.30pm
1.30pm – 3.15pm

School Uniform
We encourage all pupils to wear school uniform. This helps to instil a sense of pride and team spirit within our school. Sweatshirt orders are processed in the Spring term. A limited stock of sweatshirts is also kept in school. We can also provide ‘nearly new/recycled’ sweatshirts for parents who would wish to make use of these and we would encourage parents to donate used items to this bank.
School uniform consists of – school sweatshirt and polo shirt with school logo, dark school skirt or trousers, dark school shoes (children should not wear high heeled shoes as these cause safety concerns). We appreciate your cooperation and support in this.

Sweatshirts are priced at £8.60 for children and £10.90 for adults. Quarter zip fleeces are priced at £12.75 for children and £15.00 for adults and full zip fleeces are priced at £12.95 for children and £15.50 for adults. Shower proof fleeces have a full zip and are priced at £16.75 for children and £18.75 for adults

Please consider the changeable nature of weather conditions and provide your child with appropriate outerwear and footwear to suit.

PE kit consists of – T shirt which tucks into shorts, standard length shorts, socks, gym shoes preferably with velcro or elastic fastening for younger pupils. In colder weather, tracksuit bottoms may be worn. These should be kept in a gym bag.
With regard to safety, the wearing of jewellery is actively discouraged in our school and is not permitted during PE lessons. If your child has pierced ears, please ensure he/she can remove and replace their own earrings. Any child wearing earrings that cannot do this will be asked to put surgical tape over them for PE lessons and parents should provide a named roll of surgical tape for this purpose. Shoe string strap tops are also discouraged for safety reasons as they can catch on gym apparatus and suitable footwear should be provided.

The school requests that football team tops and designer garments are kept for home use as these can cause disagreements amongst the pupils.

Parents should note their responsibility to ensure all clothing and belongings brought to school should be named or marked in some way, as it is difficult for children to distinguish their own clothing from that of others.

School Equipment
The school provides all of the books and equipment that your child will need to use in school, including a bag to carry school books. Each child is also provided with an I-pad which they can use in school. Many children like to bring their own pencil case and equipment. We would suggest the following pencil case contents – HB pencil(s), a ruler – marked in centimetres, a rubber and some colouring pencils. Children will also require a school bag to carry their belongings and equipment to and from school.

School Meals
Before lunch, the children wash their hands and proceed to the dining hall in a quiet and orderly fashion.
Primary 1-3 pupils are provided with school meals free of charge.
Primary 4- S6 pupils are currently charged £2.30 for a school meal unless they qualify for Free School Meals.
Children sit at “family grouped” tables where we encourage the older pupils to help the younger ones and promote appropriate behaviour, manners etc. Children are encouraged to eat all of their lunch, but not forced. If we feel that a child is not eating enough at lunchtimes we will contact you.