Duke of Edinburgh

Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (posted 30/8/2022)

We recently received the fantastic news that some of our past students had been to receive their Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award from Holyrood House in Edinburgh. Each year a ceremony takes place for those young people who have completed the highest level of the award. We extend our congratulations to Maia, Eilidh and Daisy for their outstanding achievement!

Maia Ferguson, Eilidh Henderson and Daisy Cooper at the Gold Award presentation.


During the 2021-2022 session the DofE Award has seen our pupils return to the Award. We have an integrated team of school staff and parents who lead the expedition section.
If you would like to find out how parent volunteers can help support expeditions, please contact sally.pease@aberdeenshire.gov.uk . the D of E coordinator at school.


What does it involve?
The Award consists of three levels; Bronze, Silver and Gold. Participants must be aged between 14 & 25. Whatever activity is undertaken is assessed and then recorded online on the eDofE platform. This provides a record of achievements, effort and progress.
Each level of the award has four separate categories: 1. Volunteering   2. Skills   3. Physical Recreation   4. Expedition.

What does the School offer?
The school has volunteer staff and parent volunteers who help us to manage the large number of pupils who are enthusiastic to take part. The school offers the expedition section, while the pupils manage the other three sections.

How long does it take?
It is expected that each Level of the award should take a minimum of 6 months to complete, realistically each level will take around 12 months.

What are the costs involved?
There is an annual charge of £30.00 to participate in the Award.  This fee is to cover enrolment charges and also operating costs. Participants will require certain key outdoor clothing for the expedition section, (a list will be provided) though there may be the opportunity to loan some equipment from the school.. It is also important to note that no pupil should be prevented from taking part in the Award because of a lack of funds. There are funding opportunities available so if this is a concern, please make sure that you ask Ms. Pease.

Behaviour expectations
It is expected that you will conform with the Aboyne Academy Positive School Climate at all times whilst participating in the Award.

Recent expedition groups in action.

Pupils organise their own D of E sections and ask someone who is involved in their activity to be their assessor. Self-motivation, initiative and organisational skills are all areas the Award should help to develop. For this reason, it is up to the pupils to take responsibility for all sections other than the expedition. We will hold a Bronze expedition training day in Spring 2023 to prepare for the expedition. The Bronze expedition is run over two days – this takes place after the SQA exams in summer 2023. (Dates to follow shortly).

To find out further information about the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme ask Ms. Pease in English or visit the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme website: https://www.dofe.org/