Banchory-Devenick School

Team BD
Millstone Hill
Forest Schools
Fair Trade Tuckshop
Read a Book with your Teddy Bear Day
Fire Station Trip
School Cultures Week
African Drumming
World Smile Day
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About us

Welcome to Banchory-Devenick School

We are a small, rural school on the outskirts of Aberdeen. Our 36 pupils are split across two classes: P1-P4 and P5-P7. At Banchory-Devenick, we aspire to provide a wide range of quality learning experiences that give our children the opportunity to build on prior knowledge, experience new things, develop talents and interests and create memories that will last a lifetime. We value the relationship that we have with families and are committed to working alongside parents/carers to ensure that the children in our care get the best that we can give. In the words of the children, we aspire to…’SHAPE MINDS and TOUCH HEARTS.’ 

At Banchory-Devenick School, we are dedicated to developing: 

  • Mindfulness…we became the first Mindsafe in Scotland in April 2022 
  • Right Respecting Schools…we were awarded Gold level in December 2023
  • Eco Schools…we won our Green Flag in May 2023 Reading Schools…we were awarded Silver level in May 2023 
  • Social Enterprise…we became a Champion level school in June 2023 
  • Fair Trade…our Fabulous Fairtrade Feasts enterprise has enabled us to become a Fair Achieving School and we won the Innovation Award in November 2023 
  • Outdoor Learning…we run Forest Schools sessions in the woods behind our school at least once a week 
  • STEM education…last session all the children in school received a CREST award 

 Our School Values of Respect, Kindness, Responsibility, Teamwork and Resilience are at the heart of everything we do, and if you ever visit our school, please do ask us for a performance of our very own Values Song! 


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