School Achievements

Tipperty School in Aberdeenshire was awarded its Seventh Green Flag in April 2022! This is a fantastic achievement, and the staff and pupils are all very proud that the school has achieved this level of Green Flag award. Tipperty School has been recognised as an Eco School since 2007. All children in Tipperty School have been involved in working towards the Green Flag application. “Green Flag” Activities have included the weekly Gardening group, a “One Planet Picnic” organised by the Rotakids, recycling initiatives organised by the Eco group, Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSO), Bikeability sessions and work on conservation in the school grounds, working towards the John Muir award . The children have also recently been working with Newburgh Worms to understand more about how food waste can be recycled. The Eco Group will now continue their work towards their 8th Green Flag!