Skene School

Charity Champions

Session 2019-20

This session our Charity Champions are:

P1 Grace

P2 Amy

P3 Ruby

P4 Lochlan

P5 Shayne

P6 James S

P7 Mack


Previous Sessions

After a year of hard work by our whole school community, UNICEF awarded us our Record of Commitment, the first stage in the UNICEF Rights Respecting School programme. We are now entitled to use the award logo alongside our own:

Christmas Community Cafe
We had a great turnout for our Christmas Community Cafe run by the Rights Respecting School Group and the Fairtrade Group. Here we are giving our presentation to all our visitors on what we’ve been doing so far and how they could get involved.
RRS pres Comm Cafe

Rights Respecting School Group

We are working towards our Record of Commitment.
We are giving a presentation at our Christmas Community Cafe on Wednesday 11th December (9.30 – 10.40) and our first community meeting is on Tuesday 17th December at 2pm. Please get in touch with Mrs Bisset if you would like to get involved.