Skene School

School Meals

School Meal Prices

Lunch Tickets                  £2.50 or £25.00 for a book of 10

Aberdeenshire Primary school meals and menus are the culmination of work that involves comprehensive recipe and menu planning.

All Primary school pupils receive a copy of our menus and additional information in an attractive leaflet to take home. This gives parents the opportunity to discuss and plan menu choices with their children in advance. This is particularly helpful where Vegetarian preferences are involved.

Aberdeenshire Council School Catering Service to Primary schools holds the Soil Association Food for Life Bronze Catering Mark which offers the guarantee that fresh food you can trust is always on the menu.

A planning group consisting of Area Catering Officers, Catering Trainers, a Paediatric Community Dietician and School Cooks work to devise menus that are popular with pupils and which also meet nutritional requirements set out in the Scottish Government Nutritional Requirements for Food and Drink in Schools (Scotland) Regulations 2018.