Skene School



Session 2019-20

Tuesday 21st April – First Aid

Please see below the instructions for the First Aid sessions today.

First Aid Skills Instructions

Time Capsule

Please see below a document with all of the Time Capsule suggestions for Monday – Friday.

Time Capsule – All activities

Monday 20th April

Here are the two power-points for today.

Time Capsule

Your Brilliant Brain P4-7

Tuesday 24th March 2020

Numeracy task: There is also a task on Education City for today.   This is an introductory powerpoint with a small task – please post your story in my Numeracy post on Teams if you can so everyone can see.


Kensuke’s Kingdom task:

Literacy Task: Please do try and turn this one in as an assignment on Teams.

The Old Railroad

Thursday 16th January

Today we shared our work on Roger Hargrave by creating an ‘Author of the Month’ display.

Tuesday 14th January

Today we enjoyed a Kodaly session with Mrs Malone.  We were exploring pitch and rhythm.

We also wrote persuasive texts titled, ‘Everyone should go to Japan.’

Monday 13th January

Today we welcomed Miss Roderick to P5/6.  She is a PDGE Languages teacher at Westhill Academy. We used her expert knowledge of Japan and her ability to speak Japanese to support our topic – we are so lucky!

Introduction – October 2019

Our P5/6 class for session 2018-19 is taught by Mrs Blackwood (Mon/Tues) and Mrs Knight (Wed/Thurs/Fri).  There are 19 pupils in our class and our classroom is in Room 2.

Meet our teachers


Session 2018-19

Our P4/5 class for session 2018-19 is taught by Mrs Blackwood (Mon/Tues) and Mrs Knight (Wed/Thurs/Fri).  There are 21 pupils in our class and our classroom is in Room 2.

Meet our teachers…

Mrs Blackwood (left) and Mrs Knight (right).

Monday 5th November 2018

Today we had an ‘explosive‘ day in P4/5 as we created pieces of art linked to Fireworks/Guy Fawkes.  We let our imaginations run wild as we each created a scene which will be the stimulus for our descriptive writing tomorrow.

Wednesday 31st October 2018

This afternoon we had our very first Samba lesson – be sure to ask us how it went and what we were learning!

Friday 12th October 2018 – Scottish Open Morning

This morning we hosted a very successful Scottish Open Morning.

We invited our parents and families into school to share in our learning.  We asked them to sit the in the ‘Loop of the River Forth’.  We sang several Scottish songs including Loch Lomond, Dark Island, Flower of Scotland and Auld Lang Syne.  We also shared facts and information about our class topic ‘The Scottish Wars of Independence’.  We all had a great time!

After the formal part of the morning, we enjoyed refreshments together including tea, coffee and juice as well as Scottish Cupcakes and tartan kilts.

Toby won ‘Wallace the Bruce’ with step 150.

Class Trip – Thursday 4th October

P4/5 are having a great time down in Stirling today. We have visited the castle, relived a period of the Scottish Wars of Independence, explored castle life, dressed in costumes from the 1300’s, experienced how heavy chain mail is, visited a lego museum and hiked up the Wallace Monument!


What a great day – we will all sleep tonight!

Here are a few sneak peaks…


Week beginning 24th September

For topic we have been learning all about William Wallace.  After John Balliol resigned as King, Andrew Moray and William Wallace lead Scotland into battle at Stirling Bridge.  Sadly Moray was fatally wounded so Wallace was named Guardian of Scotland. We continued developing our functional writing skills and created fact files about Wallace’s life.

In PE, we are developing our golf skills with Mrs Smart (Monday) and our unihoc skills with Mrs Knight (Thursday).

Week beginning 17th September

This week we have been learning about the Battle of Stirling Bridge.  We have written reports about the battle and drawn factually accurate pictures to represent the battle – locations of the Scottish and English armies, location of the battle, numbers of soldiers and cavalry, flags, weapons etc.  We are creating a piece of group art which we are excited to share soon…

We have also turned one of our walls into the side of Stirling Castle…

Week beginning 10th September

This week we learned that after Alexander III’s tragic death and that of Scotland’s only heir, Margaret Maid of Norway, at only age 6, Scotland was left with no King or Queen.  King Edward I of England selected one of 13 candidates who put themselves forward to be next in line.  He chose John Balliol knowing that he was the weakest of them all. Balliol was King from 1292-1296 until the Scots stood up to him and made him resign.

Week beginning 3rd September

We have been learning about the Scottish Wars of Independence, starting with the death of King Alexander III.  We are focusing on functional writing this term and have written newspaper reports to share the tragic news of his death.

King Alexander’s death left Scotland with a big problem – no King or Queen.  The only possible heir was his 3 year old granddaughter, Margaret Maid of Norway.  How will Scotland survive?

King Edward of England took control of searching for a Guardian to ‘look after’ Scotland.  He had 3 candidates and selected John Balliol – the weakest of the 3.

Week beginning Monday 27th August

Please see below a copy of our Welcome Newsletter for this session:


Week beginning Monday 20th August

We created our own t-shirt designs to share information about ourselves.

Here are some pictures of our new classroom…

We have been ‘making our mark’ on our new learning space by leaving our fingerprints outlining what makes us unique individuals. Here are a few completed examples…