Young carers

A young carer is someone under the age of 18, or 18 if still at school, who provides or intends to provide, care for another individual who has a disability or illness such as dementia.

Aberdeenshire Carers Support Service

VSA are commissioned by Aberdeenshire Council to provide a Carer Support Service to young carers in Aberdeenshire.

Aberdeenshire Carers Support Service can provide support to young carers in various ways. Initially, they offer the carer a Young Carer Statement (YCS), look at ways to reduce the impact of the caring role, and support young carers to access the same opportunities as other young people in their local community. Young Carers who are eligible will be referred to the Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Partnership’s Carers Team for support with a Young Carers Self-directed Support Budget.

More information about the support for young carers is available on Aberdeenshire Council’s website.