Dementia and work

If you are in employment and have been diagnosed with dementia you may be concerned about what happens next and the financial impact on you and your dependents.

Work after a diagnosis of dementia

The Alzheimer’s Society booklet Living with dementia employment (pdf) helps you to understand how dementia can affect your work, as well as your rights under the Equality Act 2010.

Martin Robertson has a diagnosis of dementia and has written a book Work after a diagnosis of dementia, with the support of Life Changes Trust. The book is about Martin’s diagnosis and how it affected him. The book also has useful links for support around continuing to work whilst living with the diagnosis of dementia.


Age Scotland’s website has information about a dementia awareness in the workplace workshop. Some of the topics covered include:

  • communicating effectively with someone who has early-stage dementia
  • understanding the symptoms and risk factors
  • supporting employees to continue working when affected by dementia

The Dementia Engagement and Empowerment Project (DEEP) guide Tips for employers who want to be more dementia friendly (pdf) explains some of the issues about employment and dementia. It highlights ways employers can be more dementia friendly.

The Employment Connect partnership is an employability service operating throughout Aberdeenshire. They offer a wide range of employability services, including employment advice to vulnerable and disadvantaged groups and individuals. Employment Connect also offers support to employers. A list of organisations offering employment advice is available on their website.